Dental Bridges

Dental bridges use the surrounding teeth as anchors to build support for dental crowns that can be used to replace missing tooth or fill up gaps in your teeth. This is a fast and effective way to restore your smile.

Dental bridges use the surrounding teeth as anchors to build support for dental crowns that can be used to replace missing tooth or fill up gaps in your teeth. This is a fast and effective way to restore your smile.

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Opening Hours

Mon/Thurs9am – 9pm
Tues/Wed9am – 5pm
Fri/Sat9am – 5pm

What is a dental bridge?

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth, using the surrounding teeth as an anchor. A dental bridge offers a simple way to restore your smile in just two visits. If you’re self-conscious about gaps in your teeth, this is a simple and effective way to restore function and prevent your remaining teeth from shifting.

Look and function just like real teeth

Smile and laugh with confidence

Eat your favorite foods again

Hard-wearing and long-lasting solution

The dental bridge procedure

Dental Bridges are an alternative to partial dentures or dental implants and can be used to replace one or several missing teeth in a row. Crowns are placed on the teeth on either side of the gap and false teeth are used to fill the gap joining the crowns together. The teeth either side of the gap must be strong enough and healthy enough to support the bridge.

Following an extraction, you may need to wait 4 – 6 months for the gum to heal before a bridge can be fitted. We can fit a temporary denture while you wait for your bridge restoration.

BridgesPrices from
Adhesive: laboratory fabricatedS$880* per unit
Or fibre reinforced compositeS$400*
Conventional: Precious metal bonded to porcelain 2 unitsS$1350*
Additional unit (supporting or replacement tooth)S$850*
Implant ponticS$850*

*Pricing above are estimates. Please contact us for detailed treatment plan and pricing

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